Sunday, December 30, 2007

28 Dec 07 - 06 Jan 08 Trip to Patagonia, Argentina

So the Spanish classes were getting a bit much for my poor head which meant it was time to hit-the-road-Jack in search of some fun in the Patagonian region of Argentina! A cool german mate from the language school and I secured 2 seats the day before set-off for Puerto Madryn, we were told by every man in town there would be no chance of going anywhere as it was holiday time, once again my last minute planning came through!!! Good grief, don´t even get me started about the 60 hours worth of travelling, the quality of sleep or bus and scroll on for highlights!!!

Collection of Penguins, Punto Tumbo holds the second largest Penguin Colony outside of Antartica. These guys were gorgeous!!!

Mother penguin and her babe in Punto Tumbo, Puerto Madryn.

Nicole and I onboard the boat for the trip to go find Dolphins!

Rocking on for New Years with randoms from the Hostel. The club was terrible, I had to wait about 3 hours for them to play some Disco tunes! I look scared!!!
One of the many amazing views from on board the bus travelling the roads of Patagonia.
....another bus journey, we took 3 in total.

Trying to look like I know where we´re going before setting off up the moutain, check out the attire! Very sensible wouldn´t you agree?

Nicole perched on the rocks of the Laguna overlooking icecaps! We took a little side-trip on our 3rd day and went in search of some icecaps, they were mostly melted but there was no chance of being disappointed it was still amazing.

Looking like a nana trekking up the snow fearing for my life! Nicoles about 2 K´s ahead of me running uphill in the snow without a care in the world!

Feeling all nostalgic, proud and elated all at once after hiking for 8 hours!

Close of up the fly/mosquito beasts that tried to attack us for 3 days in the jungle!!! Not impressed. They attacked on mass. By the 3rd day we wised up and carried weapons for self defence!!!! And by the way, when you are trying to decide which strength of insect repellent to purchase, don´t believe the packaging telling you its 80% insect proof, its a lie and they just want your money!!!
Stomping up the mountain!

Nicoles hiking boots came apart on our first day, my First Aid Kit and Dental Floss came in real handy

Action galore can be found in the mountains of Patagonia, check it out!
Yee har....we made it to the top, cheers to that with a Beer!
View of the Refugio where we spent out first night up the moutain, we trekked uphill 1700m, it was like heaven!

Setting off on our second day in the mountains.

One of the many´sunset´ shots from our adventures.
...another spectacular view
Oh oh, so I found another Chocolate shop. Bariloche was a town popular with the tourists and had a strong scandinavian feel and influence, the Swiss looking and tasting chocolate shops were much to my approval!!
Good times on the dance floor dancing disco moves with Javier and Ram from Madrid, Spain. Very funny!

Check out these gorgeous babes!!!

Nicole (the German) and I on a mission up the mountain

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